By Username - 01/12/2010 03:39

Today, a customer at the store I work at asked me what kind of cake I would suggest for her husband's 50th birthday. I laughed and showed her the Grim Reaper cake. She burst into tears and explained that he has cancer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 121
You deserved it 62 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

An Over The Hill cake would have been fine, but your store had to one up that with a Grim Reaper? Man, that sucks! At least you were doing your job well!

iTaylor 0

you know, in any other situation that would have been a good joke. you couldn't have known :/


agree with191 here i would have done the same as ajoke if i didnt know p.s. where was this cake i want to get it

This seems to be a pretty common scenario on FML: "Today, I tried to do something nice/funny for someone but ended up inadvertently offending them because of something that a person of average intelligence could not reasonably predict, and now I feel terrible. FML" "YDI, you evil bastard! I hope you die in a fire! I can't believe you would hurt anyone like this, you sadistic ************!!" I'm getting tired of this. There was no reason for OP to think the Grim Reaper cake might be a bad idea. Until every person on Earth becomes telepathic, it makes no sense to condemn people who accidentally remind people of personal tragedies when they're just trying to do something nice for them.

EvilCupcake8361 9

am I the only one who actually lol'd at this?? =

kreally 0

Nevermind that you showed her the Grim Reaper cake, why is there a Grim Reaper cake to begin with?

Quiet_one 22

It's actually a fairly common joke for 40th and/or 50th birthdays. When my dad turned 40, we gave him an "over the hill cake" complete with a candle shaped like a tombstone that read "here lies my youth." It's just a harmless way of poking fun at the fact that someone's getting older. Now, obviously if you know someone is in poor health then you would do something different, but since most people are not suffering from potentially life-threatening illnesses, the OP's mistake is completely understandable and not his/her fault. 9 times out of 10, the customer would laugh or at least recognize that it's just a joke. The OP was just unfortunate enough to suggest it to one of the few people who would get genuinely upset. And if he/she wasn't supposed to suggest the cake to customers, why would the store be selling it? Definitely not a YDI.

can you ALL calm down? the OP isn't inconsiderate, they didn't know the poor guy had cancer. it was meant to be a joke. also, the people cursing out everyone who calls the op a jerk -- calm the **** down. i'm on ur side but no need to flip your shit if u feel like they're wrong. jeez -_-

Those of you saying the OP deserved it are assholes. The OP was JOKING. How the hell was the OP supposed to know the guy had cancer? Grow up and think before you judge.

well you didn't know. as long as you appologized your good

Time to get a cake that says, "See you when your 51, oops, i'm sorry, cancer is a bitch..."