By Username - 01/12/2010 03:39

Today, a customer at the store I work at asked me what kind of cake I would suggest for her husband's 50th birthday. I laughed and showed her the Grim Reaper cake. She burst into tears and explained that he has cancer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 121
You deserved it 62 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

An Over The Hill cake would have been fine, but your store had to one up that with a Grim Reaper? Man, that sucks! At least you were doing your job well!

iTaylor 0

you know, in any other situation that would have been a good joke. you couldn't have known :/


carlokes 0

Even though you didn't know he had cancer... a cake with a Grim Reaper would only be appropriate at an event such as a Halloween party or something. Never, NEVER a birthday. Especially if he's about to be 50 :( Come now.

I guess that'll teach u to joke about serious matters.

Gundamu 0

Yeah, because turning 50 years old is so serious. No way Op would know the woman had Cancer.

u are not supposed to work in a customer service field. grow up!

mrz_tweety22 5
emamistygirl 0
bishiedamian 0

Wow you people are harsh. Damn, I'll see you all in hell cuase you be a bunch of hypocritic jackasses. Not a single one of you can say you said something that was supposedly funny and accidentally hurt someone's feelings cuase you didn't know the entire situation. Damn bitchy people with no lives

JasonJ 5

Asshole... You should have gotten fired for that... Douchebag

it dosent make this dude a jerk of he didn't know that the guy had cancer ding-dong

ZomgWeAreClubKid 0

To everyone that's getting all pissy and saying "well he didn't know, shut up you assholes!" Well he shouldn't of opened his mouth in the first place! Regaurdless of wether or not that man had Cancer that's not a right joke to ever bring up, if you think that's hilarious then what if your mom had Cancer and I made that joke? I know damn well you'd get your skid marked covered panties in a bunch. It's called common courtesy you dumbasses.