Timing is everything

By -bird-poop- - 10/10/2009 12:52 - Germany

Today, I finally plucked up the courage to propose to my girlfriend of 7 months. I took her out to the park where we had our first kiss, I got down on one knee, and before I could say, "Will you marry me?" a bird shat on my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 013
You deserved it 7 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was a sign! Dont get married too early.

7 months? Ive had milk in my fridge longer than that. To early bro. Wait atleast a year more


kindofgocrazy 0

Is that a sign you shouldn't marry her?

lol how cute... "will you marry me?" *plop*

being sh*t on by a bird is good luck though

I heard that's good luck, so I'm guessing she said yes. Hahaha.

thatsucks4u 0

AFTER SEVEN MONTHS? ARE YOU ******** ME? (pun intended)

Nature's way of telling you to pick a better moment. :P

dELiA14 0

this. is. the. best. fml. ever! loveeeeee itt:)!!!!

marquisrs 0

YDI for such a cliched moment