Tight ass friends

By cheese - 26/09/2013 21:31 - United States - Sun Prairie

Today, I summoned the courage to talk to my friends about the money they owe me for my photography services at their wedding. We had agreed on a fair price, but now they're pissed, claiming that I'm being selfish, and should consider it my wedding gift to them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 674
You deserved it 5 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WompWompWomp123 7

Bring them a toaster and then ask for your money.

This is exactly why you NEVER lend your friends money or offer them your professional services. Especially if you're a prostitute.


llnursingll 10

You don't need selfish people in your life, forget about your "friendship" and go get paid! My cousin is a freelance photographer and he always requires partial payment up front and full payment before he delivers any pictures including to family and friends.

That's why working for friends can be your downfall.

Put out their photos slightly changed and sell them To **** magazines as cover:) and then its free:)

If you are a professional I can understand you. But if you are not I can understand them. Friends don't charge unless its their profession.

But if that were the case, they shouldn't have agreed to pay for it in the first place. If they expected the service for free, they should have brought that up in thr initial negotiation. Agreeing to pay and then refusing to follow up on it is deceptive.

Hopefully you got it in writing, not just by word of mouth, so if you have to you can get the law involved.

Thats hard work and you have to choose between being a brides maid / grooms man or being there photographer. Cant be both, That sucks for you!

What are you talking about? Wedding is over. Op worked as the photographer. They won't pay Op.

I mean before the wedding she / he had to choose if they want to be apart of their wedding or be there photographer. They chose photographer and that happened

Good job for confronting them, now you need to follow through with it and demand they pay you.

Ask them if they're willing to work for free, cuz it's kinda a douchebag move that they expect you to work for free. Being a photographer myself, I know what it's like when people don't realize the 100's of hours that go into post processing and editing. Be firm with them. I hope you had a contract signed.

baconboy_42 8

And that's why you don't shoot wedding photos for friends. Sorry, OP.

subiedude08 17

Same here I would honestly refuse to do a service like that for a friend just dew to the fact that you don't want drama to ensue