
By fuck you, kid - 16/07/2014 18:56 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I babysat a 9-year-old kid for the first time. The moment his parents left the house, the little shit looked me dead in the eyes and let me know that if I didn't let him do whatever he wanted, he'd tell his parents that I touched him in his "no-no place". Suddenly I hate kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 341
You deserved it 4 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would tell him to say it again, but record it. Then show that to his parents. Similar situation happened to me and that worked out. Just don't openly show the phone is out, pretend you're texting.


Got this with nine comments lol... This all depends on what he plans on doing...if it's just something basic like watch TV then let him do so

No, because then he learns that he can lie and manipulate to get what he wants.

askullnamedbilly 33

Uh... no. That means he got away with it, and is likely to do this again to other people. Someone in this kid's life has to take him down a peg and show him that it's absolutely unacceptable to a) blackmail people and b) accuse innocent people of criminal behaviour as a form of revenge.

Respect101 17

#12, if you raise your kids that way then the kid controls you more than you control them. Even if you don't know it.

CurlyQute 17

Tell the parents right away. Sounds like the kid has a history of pulling this kind of stuff

next time record him saying it and blackmail him. that will teach the l'il bastard!

I'd get the parents home and leave. This kid knows what can get someone in trouble. Shame he doesn't know about repercussions.

gingaa96 18

Doesn't know about them *yet*. I have a feeling he's about to learn though.

And that's why I carry a tape recorder with me wherever I go. Because I deal with bs like that too often. I suggest you do the same. You should be able to easily find an app for your smartphone. good luck.

I'd just call them up, let them know their kid's going to frame you.

Call the parents and say as a heads up their kid is basically threatening you. Then tell the little shit he gets nothing but steamed cabbage and has to read textbooks.

Tell him that's fine I always recorded every babysitting job I go to for security reasons.

Wth? There would be no "next time." Call those parents back right away and tell them you won't watch their manipulative demon seed. I wouldn't even waste time trying to get him to repeat it for a recording. That's your freedom he's screwing with. I know 2 people who have had to defend themselves in court because of a pissed off ex and a devil brat who decided to tell stories like that. I wouldn't care if I had to drag that brat to wherever the parents were at and drop him off.

and this is why a $10.00 digital voice recorder comes in handy.

Or the free pre-installed app in your smartphone?