Things ain't changed much

By anon - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Costa Mesa

Today, I was telling my dad that scientists had discovered a new sea creature. He said it was all BS and that scientists just make things up to cover conspiracies. I'm a biological sciences major. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 162
You deserved it 1 743

Top comments

So be honest OP, what conspiracy are you trying to cover up?

Your dad is saying that so you believe less and less in conspiracy theories because he works for the government. Put on your tinfoil hat everyone.


Way to pay attention to your kid, didn't he know what you majored in?

leogachi 15

@3 He's probably just an asshole who wanted to subtly insult Op's career choice.

20 - Then I guess he needs to look up the definition of the word "subtly".

I'll bet you want us to believe that jet fuel can melt steel beams too!

Your dad is saying that so you believe less and less in conspiracy theories because he works for the government. Put on your tinfoil hat everyone.

ProximityToDeath 20

Thanks for that vote of confidence there. Sometimes a little faith and encouragement go a long way.

You should have changed your picture to Darth Vader before making that comment #14, it would have multiplied the awesomeness by 1 million.

just show him proof, it shouldn't be that hard to prove him wrong

You'd be amazed how much proof people will ignore when it defies their world view.

Ashd09 30

agreed #30. My literature teacher actually just finished teaching us about how the government controls the weather through chemicals sprayed into our atmosphere (chemtrails) and geoengineering. Us students had to write an essay saying whether or not we agree with her, citing evidence to prove or disprove her theory. Anyone that a wrote saying that they disagreed was marked down as she said that our "evidence isn't plausible". Conspiracy theorists are impossible to argue with

Suaria 38

It's because of cognitive dissonance. People will believe one thing but if there is proof against what they say, they won't believe it because it means they admit to being wrong. People don't like to admit they are wrong.

Some people are just paranoid, the more facts you feed them the better the paranoia. Just accept your an alien cooperation bent on ruling earth and be done with it.

lol what an ignorant fool. is he also voting for trump?