They made me do it

By Cat - 07/11/2011 04:43 - United States

Today, I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. His response? "It's not like I liked it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 195
You deserved it 3 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thingamajiga 5
Confuciussay 6

You don't want to get caught cheating if you're going out with 13.


Moron and a cheater. Get rid of that idiot

Should have turned round to him and said "Well, I suppose you do need all the practice you can get because you are REALLY bad in bed". Then the dump his ass

such a pathetic excuse....same my ex tried to use on me once... that her 'secret' bf was so bad it couldn't count bc she didn't like it.... 23x... yea...leave him n find someone worth your time

chels1994 11

you're better off without him

I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to cheat on someone as gorgeous as #13 j/s ;)

Well, think about it this way, if he didn't enjoy it, how was he able to get an erection? Huh?! Explain that, douche bag (referring to your ex, not you lol)!

I don't like cheaters but that response was funny.

Should have responded with, "Could have said that about you as well!" THEN dumped his arse.

FruityLoooons 8

"She was an ugly bitch anyway, come on baby you're the only girl for me."