The spirit world

By ElixirRose - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I killed a centipede. Now every little itch I feel, I think it's the centipede's spirit coming back to haunt me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 695
You deserved it 47 045


12vballchick12 5

I think I'm being haunted by a centipede too. Its quite common actually! And they call us mental! Psh we show them!!! Win!!

ChuckNorris141 0

Damn straight, finally a smart person posted on this wall

AnotherRandomPer 0


better a centipede ghost than stay-puft, right?

Maybe I'm the only one thinking this... but how is this an FML exactly? Your life is not in any way affected by this.... OP will wake tomorrow and not spare a thought for the centipede... Cracks me up what gets past moderators sometimes.