The pits

By speedstick - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received an anonymous letter telling me that I smell bad, and suggesting that I wear more deodorant. Apparently my BO is so bad that someone feels the need to stalk me to point it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 137
You deserved it 34 886

Top comments

Don't flatter yourself. You're not being stalked. They didn't want to have to get close enough to say it to your face. It would have been awkward to find a pole long enough to attach the note to, and they didn't have a megaphone.

Leaving you a note isn't stalking you. Don't get mad at others because you happen to smell like shit.


Don't just slap on deodorant or cologne to cover your stank shower FIRST! Nothing worse than b/o mixed with some shitty cologne/perfume

KaleidoscopePope 0

ydi.. you should always know when you stink

it's most likely one of your friends not a stalker, but maybe you have no friends...

It's just not very easy to politely go up to someone and tell them that their body odor is offensive, so your friend/family member just wrote you a note. Stop getting all indignant over being supposedly "stalked" and go take a damn shower. Why do some people seem to think personal hygiene is optional?

d_dubz86 1

I ask myself that same question everyday. I work with some funky people. PU!

I bet someone tried to tell you before, but you didn't take the hint. Got it now stinky?!

nobody is stalking your smelly ass self get over yourself

Really? I doubt that anyone would be inclined to stalk someone with your obvious BO issue. It wasn't a stalker. It was one of your sensitive nosed pals.

just wash more frequently :) problem solved

They were just doing you a favor without humiliating you in person. ftl for trying to do the right thing!!