The office, but worse

By officeditz - 04/06/2015 01:59 - United States - Saint Petersburg

Today, my District Manager was impressed by all the appointments in my upcoming calendar. Bubbling with pride, I blurted out, "Oh, I just love to have all my slots filled!" The awkward silence was only broken by, "That's what she said!" from the next cubicle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 596
You deserved it 5 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glad to see you enjoy work. Not everyone can be happy with what they do. :)


Well at least you are a hard worker. I bet getting all your slots filled at the same time must be exhausting, no matter how satisfying it may be.

that is awesome! hahaha too funny op! it happens I pull dumb crap like that all the time. I just hope you laughed it off

I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. Once, I said to my friend, "Hey ______, do you miss my wet whip?!" This was after swim class and I was referring to my long hair that could also be used as a weapon. I was the innocent kid in my grade and did not know why the dirty-minded kids were laughing or were disgusted. Now I know why... And the moment I found out, I had the "OOOHH CRAP" moment.

Be grateful for you coworker... He turned an otherwise terrible situation into a laughable one

I would have said it before the awkward silence.

maggiefox 25

I love having all my slots filled too! XD