The office, but worse

By officeditz - 04/06/2015 01:59 - United States - Saint Petersburg

Today, my District Manager was impressed by all the appointments in my upcoming calendar. Bubbling with pride, I blurted out, "Oh, I just love to have all my slots filled!" The awkward silence was only broken by, "That's what she said!" from the next cubicle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 596
You deserved it 5 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Glad to see you enjoy work. Not everyone can be happy with what they do. :)


cool guy spotted in the next cubicle ;)

I'm sure the District Manager loves filing all your slots. keeps the office productive and makes for a very happy ending

I honestly would have laughed, or at least chucked. Don't be too hard on yourself OP shit happens! The only thing you can do is just hope that he finds it as funny as your coworker obviously did. :)

Surprised nobody's asked when your next opening is coming available

You sort of asked for that one OP!

SydLovesLacey 18

Bet you got some openings coming soon though, make sure they're all filled!

mds9986 24

This is one of those situations that bother you for years and years when your trying to sleep.

A girl has three slots to fill think about it

ok, replace the word slots with holes.. that should help :)

You will, in a couple of years when you're older.

One in the pink, one in the stink and if you don't click on to where the last slot is you're way too young for this shit.

Please tell me the DM enjoyed that... Maybe become a new favorite or even better a promotion!

She should reserve a slot or two for him.