The more you know

By Are you kidding me? - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Kansas City

Today, while at the zoo, I found out that the rhinos there can pee backwards, while standing directly behind one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 516
You deserved it 4 706

Top comments

Two peeing FMLs in a row. What are the odds?

MoronsAccount1 12

Everyone's getting pissed on today. I almost feel left out.


addioty 19

Wow that sucks but a partial YDI because you didn't think ahead in case one broke wind/shat, which may also splatter you.

what kinda zoo lets you get that close?! or is the spray just that powerful?

Exactly what I was thinking. When I read it, I pictured OP getting slammed with a jet spray of rhino piss.

Well shows how much you know about rhino anatomy. And I've perfected the art of peeing backwards, and planning to compete in the Olympics in that event. I'm worried about that in Russia... Cold...

I like how you say 'rhinos there' like it is something that those rhinos have specialized in. You don't stand behind wild animals. It's just bad news.

Well I think after reading this and about the parrots I'll stay clear of animals unless I can't avoid it...