The little things

By Anonymous - 13/09/2010 16:03 - United States

Today, I woke up to my husband slowly pulling my blanket off me. I thought he was being romantic until I realized it was because the cat had puked all over me while I was sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 281
You deserved it 2 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least your husband was nice enough to try and clean it up before you saw it cause you know what they say what you don't know can't hurt cha

Theres few things I find more romantic than trying to remove cat puke from your partner without him/her knowing about it. Honestly


at least he didn't leave it there for you to deal with when you woke up.

Theres few things I find more romantic than trying to remove cat puke from your partner without him/her knowing about it. Honestly

I_have_no_clue 0

That's friggin DISGUSTING!!! FYL indeed. 

Lol Out of all the possible places for the cat to puke why did it choose on you?? I would have skinned it alive

At least he cared enough to take the puked-on blanket off of you. He could have left it there.

I think the OP was saying FML mainly because she thought her hubby was trying to do something romantic but ended up not being that way implying her marriage sucks with respect to the romance aspect of it. So basically she got her hopes up.

haha I like your spelling rant it's so true. you're the first person I've seen from st catharine's, it's cool to see. I used to live around there, in fonthill if you've heard of it longer message than I intended haha

kaylovely 0

says the guy with the display picture of him spooning said cat. haha

WhyTheFace4 0

It happened five minutes after the photo.

FMLephant 2

You're husband pulled a puked on blanket off of you?

He's cleaning it up for you! That IS romantic.

banananut 0

how is pulling a blanket off of you romantic?

I don't see why this is an FML he was helping you...

banananut 0

it's an fml because her cat puked on her in her sleep.