The little things

By Anonymous - 13/09/2010 16:03 - United States

Today, I woke up to my husband slowly pulling my blanket off me. I thought he was being romantic until I realized it was because the cat had puked all over me while I was sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 281
You deserved it 2 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least your husband was nice enough to try and clean it up before you saw it cause you know what they say what you don't know can't hurt cha

Theres few things I find more romantic than trying to remove cat puke from your partner without him/her knowing about it. Honestly


MetalFish 0

And we ALL know there is more than one way to skin a cat (Possibly the best saying ever!)

birds_fml 7

I think it's sweet of him to try and get it cleaned up without you knowing about it. Also, stuff like this is why I don't allow the cats in our bedroom. The #1 reason is because I don't like having cat hair up my nose when I'm trying to sleep, but not having to deal with puke on the bedding is another good reason.

rwctkd95 0

number 11 I love everything neck up

Wouldn't this be the definition of something romantic for a husband to do? He thinks so highly of you that he wants to spare you from waking up to that? Thank your lucky stars you're married to such a good person.

mistyshaiah 3

At least you were under a blanket?