The Hitchhiker

By hitchhiked - 04/01/2012 06:28 - United States

Today, I picked up a hitchhiker. He was well dressed, and seemed trustworthy. As soon as he got in, he pulled out a gun and stole my wallet and car. All of this occurred in front of a sign warning against picking up hitchhikers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 974
You deserved it 86 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazyj12006 3

Whenever I drive by a hitchhiker, not helping them makes me feel guilty. But at the same time, you never know who they are or what they could do.


_90 or their dogs. I was at the gas station and this couple were juggling with like 5 dogs with them. Im like, really.

Erm.. Isn't it illegal to pick up hitchhikers? I'm pretty sure it is in my state... But definitely, YDI that one.

Only if you live in New Jersey or Delaware ;) Every other state has laws permitting hitchhiking, though there are sometimes limitations as to where you can do it.

unicornunit 0

who picks up hitch hikers? thats sketchy

Thats why u gotta pack heat (or at least mace)

IdarusOreyn 3

I'm not married. Then what's with the ring? Makes strangers think I'm trustworthy. Are you? No...

And where was YOUR gun? My wife and I keep ours in the door pocket right next to us... Just sayin'.

As soon as I read that you picked up a hitchhiker, I clicked YDI. Idiot...Of course they APPEAR trustworthy - it's part of the illusion to get suckers like you to pick them up!

Sorry that the OP had such a bad experience with hitchhikers...I've had more than my fair share of good ones, and it's sad when you draw the short stick. Remember karma, though! It's not always instant, but you always get back what you put in. Thanks OP for being the sort of person who lends a hand when they can, you'll get what's yours in the end! :)

I clicked YDI right after I read "I picked up a hitchhiker"............YDI most definitely but FYL cause in the interim that really does suck.