The cost of living crisis

By Noname - 12/03/2009 00:09 - United States

Today, I was studying for a final when I noticed that all I had was a blue highlighter. I decided to drive to the store to get a yellow one. On the way there, I got $200 worth of traffic tickets for not stopping at a stop sign. I basically spent $200 because I prefer yellow highlighters over blue ones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 512
You deserved it 110 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

af_fml 0

That is a ****** up idea of causality. You got a ticket because you failed to obey the law, the highlighters had nothing to do with it.

You probably should have obeyed Traffic laws than worry about petty things. You could have hurt someone.


TheOrpheus 0

blue highlighters suck. I freaking hate them. if i ever have to borrow one i specifically ask to borrow one that is not blue. FYL.

I would be so pissed if you ran me over on my bike because you needed a yellow highlighter. Please be safe!!!

BrainHaynis 0

you know, the whole point of no cop no stop is that you actually stop if there is a cop

Dumb... although studies have shown that the color yellow helps a lot better with memory... oh well

Youdidn't pay $200 because you prefer yellow highlighters to blue, you paid $200 because you don't know how to drive.

Your reckless driving was not in any way caused by the highlighter.

#51, you made me laugh! and you're right, when you put stuff on the internet prepare to be judged.

BEB131 0

No.... you spent 200 dollars cuz your retarded.... you woulda run into a stop sign eventually no matter what color highlighter u had

convictxme 0 should try obeying driving laws instead of blaming inanimate objects such as highlighters for your own stupid mistakes. I highly doubt the highlighter is responsible for your foot not being on the brake...