Thanks Raymond

By Anonymous - 20/03/2016 05:13 - United States - Boise

Today, my cat brought home a bloody, barely-living mouse. The thing managed to escape and dragged itself into a crack in the wall, where it must have died. The only way to get it out before it starts to stink up the place is by demolishing the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 854
You deserved it 1 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why demolishing the wall? Can't you just cut a small square into the drywall??

Better to do it sooner than later... The smell will only get worse


thunderniron 22

Spray lime into the crack. It will dry the carcass out and stop it from smelling.

Keep your cat inside where it belongs and you won't have that problem.

Cats don't belong inside? Cats need to be outside unless there is a medical reason as to why they shouldn't be

I think you can either have an inside cat that if you want to go outside it goes on a leash. Other wise it's an outside cat which say outside unless there going to be some really bad weather.

As a cat owner I agree, keep it inside. Cats are common roadkill because they are small, they can easily wander onto someones property and get adopted as a stray, and they are easy prey for coyotes which are plentiful where I live. Not to mention most domesticated cats have no sense of self preservation.

Don't let your cats freely roam for a variety of reasons. For one thing, it's harmful to the environment of your neighborhood. Rare birds can be killed, people's pets can be killed, their gardens dug up (yes, cats will do this!). Not to mention your cat can end up killed in an accident, adopted, tortured by psychopaths, or eaten by the local predators. I never let my cat outside if he's not on a leash, and we're both fine with that. You *can* leash train your cats, it really isn't hard to do. Let go of preconceived notions that have no logical bearing, learn about the consequences of your actions, and make changes accordingly. It does everyone a favor, you included.

Cats are domesticated animals who most certainly don't belong roaming around outside. They kill just about everything and they have so many dangers to avoid.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Why even own an animal if you keep it outside all the time? I know many people with outside cats or dogs that they never see or pet or play with because it's outside all the time. My animals are all inside animals (that go outside to do their business, or, in the case of my cat, sit under the car because who knows why) and they are my family's best friends.

zugunru 3

yup. cats are not native to the environment and kill a TON of wildlife.... like mice. according to the most conservative estimates they kill at least 8.3 billion birds and mammals a year, so that's not even including reptiles and amphibians. it's also bad for the cats themselves to be outside because they can get eaten by coyotes, run over, catch a disease, you name it. please see this as an opportunity to consider why it's better for your cat to be indoors.

Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.

Cut a small square and send the cat for a snack

Usually they mummify and dry up. So it shouldn't smell if your wall is dry! (Used to have a barn..)

Personally I feel sorry for the mouse :(

Your on the mouses side!!! You must be one of those hardcore animal rights activists

Or they're a human being with a functioning range of empathy and sympathy from average to great. Being able to empathize with animals - including ascribing human traits to animals - is a large part of how we survived to become the dominant species of this planet.

life is unpredictable and sucks. that's why it's awesome

He was trying his best to show his affection.

turdwrangler 18

Looks like the remodel just got bumped ahead of schedule.