Thanks, kids

By Anonymous - 28/09/2009 21:21 - United States

Today, I told my son and daughter that their father and I were getting a divorce. They each responded with something like, "Yay! I want to live with Daddy! He buys better presents!" Their father has literally never bought anything for them, one of the many reasons I'm divorcing him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 252
You deserved it 8 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Daddy doesn't buy anything for them? That's what you think. What about the countless hookers? The cocaine? The Everclear? All that meant NOTHING to you?! Well, it meant THE WORLD to them.

Maybe "literally never bought anything for them" includes food, shelter, clothing and so forth. You know, literally never bought anything for them. The words the OP used? Sound familiar? Not supporting the children / family at all is a far more valid reason for divorce than just never buying them presents.


I think everything I would say about you had been said already

that sucks but the kids will learn y they chose him because u can't have just 1 reason

Jial1796 6

please tell me that's not the only reason?

jeffandjeff 22

Shallow broad, I would live with him too.

Why are you even.posting on this for some votes, go save your marriage!

You're divorcing because he doesn't like buying presents? I hope there's more to it than that otherwise YDI for sure

Leaving your husband cuz he doesn't buy your kids stuff? Sounds like you've got some growing up to do...

That's the only reason you got divorced? REALLY?