Thanks, I hate it

By Anonymous - 11/12/2009 16:52 - United States

Today, it's my birthday and my friends and I went to our favorite pub to celebrate. As I'm a little broke at the moment, they all offered to buy me birthday drinks. Which I later learned meant that they would order them for me and bring them to the table, but put everything on my tab. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 537
You deserved it 2 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hermyoni 0

I hope you forward them the bill that was a real dick move.

you're friends are douche bags obviously. anyone who would make you pay for your own birthday dinner are incredibily rude!


You should have ''went to the bathroom'' and bailed on em. DUH.

sharon_ellj 0

Wow, some "friends" you got. Man, i hope they feel guilty about this...

OohAah01 0

With friends like that, who needs enemies? I clicked "you deserved it" for picking those friends.

drewbaca 0

i think you should invite them to a party in an old abandoned house...when they are all good and drunk light the 12, 55 gallon drums of gasoline you had stashed and burn those *******... as they run out screaming have a big sign that says "Stage One: Paybacks a Bitch"

At least your friends remembered your birthday. I had one person actually remember that it was my birthday. But yeah, your friends kinda suck.

they not ure friends they just using u for their own benefit. when u have nothing to offer they will never been seen again. i have sat with so called friends and bought rounds of drinks at $10 each then when i ran out of money they all disapeared . hence after going to ATM i didnt buy them any more drinks

This reminds me of a birthday I had once where friends wanted to "take me out to dinner"...when it came time for the bill, I learned that "taking me out to dinner" still denoted I pay for my meal.

That sucks. When I was in grade 8 or 9, this girl who hung around me and my friend (but who constantly annoyed us) said "Do you guys want an ice-cream?" I declined but my other friend said yes. So she went to the canteen and bought the ice-creams, then when she got back she said "that's a dollar fifty." My friend's like "What?? You offered to buy me an ice-cream! You don't offer to buy something for someone then ask them for the money!" Not as bad as a whole evening of drinks though.