Thanks, I hate it!

By ugly - 14/11/2010 07:39 - United States

Today, I was in McDonald's with some friends. When I got up to the register to order, the guy there appeared startled by me, and said, "Whoa, you're really pretty." No one has ever said anything like that to me before. When I told my friends, they laughed and said, "Wow. He must have been drunk." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 720
You deserved it 3 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brit8741 0
nerdwithagun 0

Ditch your friends; flirt with the guy who thinks you're pretty!


Well, friends joke around like that sometimes. If they were serious, FYL. If they were joking, you don't deserve it- but lighten up a bit!

your friends might not actually be thinking that you're ugly. maybe it's because of the cultural difference but where i am from, it's socially awkward to tell a complete stranger that she's pretty. perhaps that's the point they were trying to make - i.e., not that you're ugly but that he's acting weirdly (hence the assumption that he's drunk) when he called you "pretty".

That's sort of how I took it. It seems odd for him to blurt that out to a customer while working and the way he said it would make me question his sobriety. OP, please stop being so sensitive. Even if your friends don't think you're gorgeous, so what? Do you really think they are all the prettiest people you've ever seen? You sound a bit shallow to me.

bee_happy_fml 0

That really is horrible. Seriously, get some new friends, they're probably all jealous of you(:

yummycupcakegirl 0

Thats what my friends said to me in middle school, I know how you feel:( NEW FRIENDS?

Tell them, no he wasn't drunk, but if I run across a blind guy I'll keep you in mind. Wink!

raelexie 4
cdatribe23 0

your friends sound like they're super swell!!!

ktrose 0

Maybe your friends happened to be jealous that he said that to you. :/ You never know.