Thanks, I hate it!

By ugly - 14/11/2010 07:39 - United States

Today, I was in McDonald's with some friends. When I got up to the register to order, the guy there appeared startled by me, and said, "Whoa, you're really pretty." No one has ever said anything like that to me before. When I told my friends, they laughed and said, "Wow. He must have been drunk." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 720
You deserved it 3 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brit8741 0
nerdwithagun 0

Ditch your friends; flirt with the guy who thinks you're pretty!


mintcar 9

Your friends were only kidding. At least, I hope. Anyways, don't be bothered by their comment.

Yeah I agree, some people kid like that. Me and my friends make fun of each other sometimes.

adorkable_spazz 0

Damn. You need new, less bitchy friends. /:

AwesomeTastic4 0

wow you got some crappy friends hahahah

if I know Colorado, he was probably high.

MissErikaHart 0

I'd like to meet both mcdonalds and colorado. they sound fun.

make friends with mcdonalds guy and ditch your current 'friends'

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, OP. It's impossible for everyone to think you're pretty, just like it is impossible for everyone to think you're ugly. That being said, I'm almost 100% sure your friends were kidding. :D

Friends are always there for ruin special moments that make you happy. I would LOVE to get a compliment like that from a total stranger! But my kid gets all the compliments. Poo :( haha

Yay, you're an average looking chick that no one likes and you have a kid, want a cookie? Big deal, why not go cry about somewhere else

Wow nico, way to show the world that you're a total prick. Nicely done.

Hey, its not as impressive as making yourself seem like an attention need freak with a few sentences on an FML comment. Let's give it up to the girl who seems desperate even on the Internet

I don't know how female friends are, but I would expect nothing less from my guy friends than to get totally destroyed if I told them something like that.