Thanks, I guess…

By edible - 20/05/2009 20:01 - United States

Today, I surprised my girlfriend by sending her an Edible Arrangement. When she called to tell me she had gotten it, she was more excited about the cute boy who'd delivered it than she was about the fruit bouquet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 547
You deserved it 4 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for getting a company that has cuter delivery guys than you. That's the only possible explanation for someone putting YDI. FYL.

gvschmidt94 0

Sound's like something my ex would do. But this OFFICIALLY allows you to check out other girls :D If she bitches, remind her of this.


haha! "OMGAAAAAAWWWWWWDDDD HE WAS SoOoOoO HOT! LULZ" ******* hate girls like that.


pspmaster4 0

Fake. Why would she tell u?

XxHeartBrokenxX 0

#8 i'm usualy open to opinions but stfu... Not all guys look at other girls. And definatly don't talk about it if they even do. Also those are exspensive... Really. I'd be pissed if that happened.. "thanks for the 200$ dollar gift, omg the guy that dropped it off was soooo cute!.. ( continues)" IMO talk to her about it, tell her it hurt. If she keeps doing it, dump her, if you havnt already. FYL

XxHeartBrokenxX 0

Also, how can you say a SUPRISE gift sucks? They didnt need tospend money, time, and affection on you. But they do. And then... You do this..?

DWdizzy 0

its ok for her to admit something like that. but not after a really nice gesture. makes your whole effort seem pointless