Thanks for the mental imagery

By Grossed Out - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my dad asked me if I could convince my mother to get a Brazillian wax. If that's not bad enough, my mother heard and yelled from the other room, "I like my furball." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 794
You deserved it 2 911


Monster_babe7 0
bookbee 2

You may want to consider selling yourself to a Japanese businessman, just to get out of the house.

hijueputa 0

OP, come on, be a nice kid and help out your dad, he's probably sick and tired of pulling pubes out of his mouth.

OP: now this one just made me cringe. tell her to do some landscaping in the front yard. i mean yuk!

would you rather have a hairy pussy or your own hand for sex? think about it

WTF I'm on ifml and this shows there is nothing posted

go out drinking and try to forget this unpleasantness. However awkward and gross this is, if this happened to me i would have died of laughter.