Thanks for the mental imagery

By Grossed Out - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my dad asked me if I could convince my mother to get a Brazillian wax. If that's not bad enough, my mother heard and yelled from the other room, "I like my furball." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 794
You deserved it 2 911


dynky 3

your dad's an asshole. he shouldn't be trying to get your mother to go through a painful procedure to remove hair that is completely natural and harmless, and definitely shouldn't be trying to get you to help him bully her into it.

Kirlyfoo 9

******* scary ass bitch shit mom kill her for scarring u dat hoe

this sounds like a scene from a comedy movie. I can't stop lol.

ghostwitch1863 0
1030love 10

pubes are unattractive and they harbor bacteria. OBGYNs are now advising women to remove pubic hair by whatever means they prefer as to prevent infections. so she really shouldn't "love her furball" as for the OP, knowing your mother has a "naked beaver" isn't any better. i know from experience.

dynky 3

OBGYNs are recommending nothing of the sort. The ****** is supposed to contain bacteria, that's what keeps yeast infections away.

@1030love - did you not do biology at school? Hairs are there to stop bad germs getting in, so yes, they probably do have bacteria in, but that's what WASHING is for, and so prevent them from getting further and stopping more complicated issues. Hence why people should trim, not shave.

1030love 10

of course the ****** has bacteria in it, that's not the bacteria i was referring to. and yes i took biology, as well as 3 health classes and Medical Topics. that is why i know pubic hair harbors HARMFUL bacteria. the ****** cleans itsself [i'm referring to the actual ******, not the vulva] which is why if you shave, whatever unnatural bacteria gets in there will be cleaned out. however, if you have pubic hair, it will constantly be holding the bacteria to the ******, constantly exposing it to more causing the ****** to never be clean.

Fair enough, the only reason I accused you of not doing biology was because you came across a lot less informed in your original post. My bad. Also you do become immune to stuff, and like I said in my original post, if you wash it shouldn't be too bad. I just have issues with shaving/waxing down there, and I think it's another one of those double standards and it's getting to the point where it's almost expected of a woman to do it, yet most men don't (or at least it's a lot less promoted that men should). For years most women didn't do anything about their pubes and they didn't all die from infections (I'm not saying infections don't happen or anything, but hopefully you get my point), I just think trimming is better all around, because then you get less bacteria being held there, but also some preventation against bacteria getting in in the first place and etc.

tb15 0

not really a double standard, men are expected to shave too

1030love 10

the double standard is there in some instances, but i'm lucky enough that my boyfriend shaves as well =]

ChicaChica5683 0