Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

By helen_ - 23/04/2009 15:51 - United States

Today, I had to go to my 10 year-old son's school to talk about my job being a chef. As I was almost finished, I asked the kids "What would you like to do when you grow up?" Without hesitation one kid replied with a straight face, "Anything but being a douchebag like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 518
You deserved it 6 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you say "Too late and I ****** your mom in high school" and continue with your presentation.

stargirl14 0

well the kid already sounds like a douchebag to me lol


no_damn_luck 0

I don’t have kids of my own so I can’t say for sure. However all of these FMLs about 10 year olds saying things like “Anything but being a douchebag like you", 7 year olds saying "I think the better question is how are you ever gonna get a boyfriend when you're so ugly.”, and 5 year olds saying "How about some blue shut the **** up!” seem a bit farfetched. Do kids really talk like that these days? If so, I’m sure as hell not having any!

That kids doesn't know what he's talking about. Being a chef isn't a bad job which means there are tons of jobs that could be worse.

This is so obviously fake, dont understand why so many people believe this one.

julia19 0

yeah i agree with 88. thats like considered assault he would be in juvy like this grl in my grade told a guidance counselor to rot in hell and shes in juvy. and he's 10 fricken years old. so fake.

You never mess with a person who works with knives for a living.

TryToBeKind 0

Kids like that are the reason teachers should be allowed to paddle. Unfortunately, it's brats like that whose parents raise Hell when their kid does get put in their place.

cartering 0

Kids ten years old believe they are already grown up. Asking them what they want to be when they grow up is like asking them if they know their ABC's. The difference between "grow up" and "older" might not mean much to an adult, but to a child its a huge and very embarassing difference