Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

By helen_ - 23/04/2009 15:51 - United States

Today, I had to go to my 10 year-old son's school to talk about my job being a chef. As I was almost finished, I asked the kids "What would you like to do when you grow up?" Without hesitation one kid replied with a straight face, "Anything but being a douchebag like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 519
You deserved it 6 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you say "Too late and I ****** your mom in high school" and continue with your presentation.

stargirl14 0

well the kid already sounds like a douchebag to me lol


Man 10 year olds are mouthy mofos nowadays

nikki1001 0

Really? You guys are encouraging violence against a child for calling someone a douchebag? Wow.

Man, I hate kids. Why do people like them? They're such brats, there's nothing good about them. :p

since when do 10 year old's know what a douchbag is?? wtf?!

Straight-faced, too! That is hilarious. Don't take it too seriously - I mean, he's ten. Give him fifteen years - that's when he'll realize that he followed in your footsteps.

Your response: "Well son, you don't have to worry. You're a very unique douche bag, all your own! Now go **** yourself, you spoiled little son of a bitch. OK kids, who wants to learn how to make fried Twinkies?" By the way, fried Twinkies are awesome (in moderation)

lorrain_fml 0

throw a spatula in his eye.

I don't even know if you deserved that or if you life is just messed up. That was funny. You should have then slapped in the face with a hot griddle plate.

Pyrzqxgl 0

What were_giraffe (#31) said. That ten-year-old, pig-eyed sack of shit was merely trying to look cool in front of his classmates. You didn't deserve that.

Hmm. He does know that you work with very sharp knives, right?