Taking the piss

By birthday girl - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Toledo

Today, it's my birthday. The only thing I received was a bill for a piss test I took earlier this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 355
You deserved it 4 253

Top comments

darlingdollie 24

Happy birthday, OP! It's okay, nobody cared about mine a couple days ago either!


tazmanmike2013 17

Happy Birthday OP! Don't feel bad, my birthday always gets forgotten about too, i always tease my wife about that. I even forget it most of the time until a few days after it has past.

Sam_A16_ 6

Sorry about out that OP. Happy Birthday

joemud 13

But on a brighter note, you also got a published fml out of it! Better luck next year OP!

It's a start you have all our sympathy and birthday wishes...and where I am the day just started it may pick up (:

No worries. Keep living your life. It's not about what people give you. Another year living is a prize itself.

Since when do you have to pay for that? I assume you had a piss test for a job? I hope everything works in your favor and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!