Take the L

By slowrunner - 22/04/2009 13:20 - United States

Today, I was running the 100m sprint in a track meet. Me and another girl were tied for dead last. When we finished, she complained, "It's so embarrassing how slow I am today. I have shin splints. What happened to you?" I was actually running my hardest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 656
You deserved it 7 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... Hm... I don't really know what to say but that is... sad I am sorry (Also, NO ONE CARES IF YOU'RE FIRST. So shut up)

susie1234_5678 0

Don't worry, you will improve!! I was in track and cross country and used to lose every single race, but I kept improving every year and I started doing really well! That's the thing about running, you really see AMAZING improvements. Have fun and believe in yourself!! Pushing your body will make you improve fastest. (And don't run too much because you might get flat foot like I did :S)


some people just aren't exceptionally good at sprints, especially not without practice. #79 speak for yourself.

tiltwrestler 0

Here are some tips to get faster at track: 1) Do a weightlifting routine- consisting of squats, leg press, dumbbell lunges, leg extensions/curls, calf raise, knee/leg raises, shoulder work (for speed), bench press, etc. 2) eat healthier- eat a balanced diet of all 5 food groups, and make your foods natural. Limit carbs except on days (and night before) when you are going to do hard work, and limit sugars except for an hour before you are going to do physical activity, for an extra boost. Other than that, don't eat many sugars/carbs. Also, don't ingest artificial sweeteners, splenda, sucralose, aspartame, etc. Those kill you in the long run. NEVER eat junk food, soda, candy, sweets, baked goods, etc. 3) If you really want to get faster, you can always try taking creatine- it is produced by the body naturally, and thus has no negative side effects. Just cycle it- take it 2 weeks, then go off it for a week. Take the prescribed dosage. 4) Get 8-9 hours of sleep a night, whatever helps you work out at your optimal performance. 5) Push yourself to the very limit in track practice. You should almost be to the point of throwing up, but not quite. Learn to find that distinction to where you have pushed yourself beyond your limits, BUT you wont puke everywhere. Once you find that balance, you will get better SOOO FAST. And remember, you can always push yourself even harder than before! It's possible. 6) PS 83, 79 is right- long distance is a little tougher. This is coming from a regional champion wrestler who does everything from lifting, to sprinting, to long distance, to dynamics, to stretching, to balancing practice, etc. ============== 7) Last but not least... if you find yourself talking yourself out of doing steps 1-6, and you go "eh i dont need that much sleep, or i dont need to eat that healthy, or 1 cookie is OK, or I already push myself "hard enough", or this guys an idiot what does he know........ THEN NOW YOU KNOW WHY YOU WERE TIED FOR DEAD LAST WITH A SEMI-CRIPPLE.

As both a distance and sprint runner for over 10 years, I can definately say sprinting is harder. You can train easily for endurance, but everyone has a point at which they cannot sprint faster. Someone has to come in last; if it weren't you it would be some other girl. At least you didn't false start. Also, the girl was probably making up an excuse, as most athletes do when they don't win. Just remember track is all about improving your own time, not beating everyone else's (winning is just a bonus).

curryndricegirll 0

I guess that's one thing to work on. Besides, not to get all Disney on you, but what's more important is that you were your best. At least you tied, I would have lost to her.

trust me. she was just trying to not seem slow or anything. shin splint are nothing. they barely hurt

How is this an fml? You're just not a good runner, practice harder and improve your diet. If you aren't willing to work you shouldn't expect to be a good runner.

pissedoffgamer 0

so much for ever having a chance with that girl

aww i used to run the 100m, its a tough race :/ if you have a bad start or ANYthing youre ******. i used to always come in like 2nd-4th never last, but i did come in 2nd to last once in the hurdles....was my first and last time lmao. im sorry :( its sooooo embarrassing in track. people can be really rude too. as long as you try your hardest thats all that matters anyway, dont be sad :D

fmlnotreally 0

Congratulations, you have amassed a large amount of pity points. However, please, make sure that your next FML post is humorous, and may possibly use correct grammar.