Take the L

By slowrunner - 22/04/2009 13:20 - United States

Today, I was running the 100m sprint in a track meet. Me and another girl were tied for dead last. When we finished, she complained, "It's so embarrassing how slow I am today. I have shin splints. What happened to you?" I was actually running my hardest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 657
You deserved it 7 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... Hm... I don't really know what to say but that is... sad I am sorry (Also, NO ONE CARES IF YOU'RE FIRST. So shut up)

susie1234_5678 0

Don't worry, you will improve!! I was in track and cross country and used to lose every single race, but I kept improving every year and I started doing really well! That's the thing about running, you really see AMAZING improvements. Have fun and believe in yourself!! Pushing your body will make you improve fastest. (And don't run too much because you might get flat foot like I did :S)


FMLL2016 16

She's just saying that to make herself feel better

you tried your best and that's what matters :)

hey, don't be sad. I'm a slow runner too. Even in kindergarten, little shit heads pointed that out and made fun of me. I stopped trying, and I regret it. Please tell me you won't.

I just had both knees replaced, and the doctor said I needed to keep active.

Awesome! All you can do is try your best!

prodigy2013 4

Lol shin splints xD don't think it physically slows you down. Just hurts hella bad.

That was the other runner's excuse. I'd wager she was running as hard as she could and was smack talking to make herself feel better.

Unless she looked in pain she was lying. Shin splints can hurt and u can't run with them