Take the L

By slowrunner - 22/04/2009 13:20 - United States

Today, I was running the 100m sprint in a track meet. Me and another girl were tied for dead last. When we finished, she complained, "It's so embarrassing how slow I am today. I have shin splints. What happened to you?" I was actually running my hardest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 656
You deserved it 7 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... Hm... I don't really know what to say but that is... sad I am sorry (Also, NO ONE CARES IF YOU'RE FIRST. So shut up)

susie1234_5678 0

Don't worry, you will improve!! I was in track and cross country and used to lose every single race, but I kept improving every year and I started doing really well! That's the thing about running, you really see AMAZING improvements. Have fun and believe in yourself!! Pushing your body will make you improve fastest. (And don't run too much because you might get flat foot like I did :S)


lovingyoux 0

dont worry im the slowest most of the time in the 100 meter too =) i just laugh about it cause i know i suck at running.. my 100 meter doesnt even count

skatetwin5 0

Just go in a slower heat next meet.

lily409 0

she was just saying that cuz her pride was hurt.

ohreally123 0

What a bitch, she just said that to make you feel bad. And good for you for exercising.

Ah, I've been there before (did track and cross country). Just keep practicing. Getting faster doesn't come quick or easy. You can do it! :D

bread_fml 0

You should have one-upped her by saying both of your legs were broken. In all seriousness though, her just stating that she usually runs faster but she has shin splints is a little suspect. She may have shin splints and is legitimately bothered by her reduced speed, or she may not be as fast as she thought she was and is making excuses. Difficult to tell with out full context of the situation.

Work a little harder fat ass. YDI competely. FYI, I strted out the slowest guy on my team in 7th grade XC, in 12th grade I was the fastest. Yeah, it's possible.

love4running 0

YDI for losing to someone with shin splints... oh and like 61 I was once the slowest on my team in middle school too but I am now captain/MVP of my varsity team you still have hope :)