Take the L

By slowrunner - 22/04/2009 13:20 - United States

Today, I was running the 100m sprint in a track meet. Me and another girl were tied for dead last. When we finished, she complained, "It's so embarrassing how slow I am today. I have shin splints. What happened to you?" I was actually running my hardest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 656
You deserved it 7 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... Hm... I don't really know what to say but that is... sad I am sorry (Also, NO ONE CARES IF YOU'RE FIRST. So shut up)

susie1234_5678 0

Don't worry, you will improve!! I was in track and cross country and used to lose every single race, but I kept improving every year and I started doing really well! That's the thing about running, you really see AMAZING improvements. Have fun and believe in yourself!! Pushing your body will make you improve fastest. (And don't run too much because you might get flat foot like I did :S)


hey. i know how it feels to do bad in a meet. my friend who was really bad and would get around last place. no matter what, don't give up. keep practicing and running. u'll improve a lot. like i said, don't give up.

Maybe you should take up... something that isn't track.

Timismaster 0

Shin splints really hurt, I had them the other day at a track meet. Hope she feels better. But really, just keep trying. Maybe practice in your own time too, and you'll get better. Just focus on getting YOUR best time, not winning the event and you'll be happier. If you improve your time every meet, maybe you'll even be better than her ;) .

the good news is she was probably flirting :)

adelaide_evening 0

You should have told her that her unbearable stench was making it hard for you to breathe, thus hindering your progress.

Kitty34_fml 0

That sucks :( But you're running against really fast people. It's not like you're the slowest person ever. I'm sure if someone NOT on the track team were to run the 100m, you would beat them. Imagine the people who come in last at the Olympics. Do you feel bad for them? Hell no - they made it to the Olympics! You made it on the track team, so be proud of that.

thelonelylurker 0

Get off this site and stop being so over-dramatic.

BulldogQB4 0

Omg I can't run the fastest in a 100m dash (pretty much acceleration btw) my life sucks. News flash, nobody cares how fast you are. Your FML isn't an FML it isn't even funny.