Sweet relief

By best_mom_ever - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Mount Juliet

Today, my husband and I decided to tell our sixteen-year-old daughter that she's adopted. Her response was, "Thank God!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 268
You deserved it 6 934


well it's how I would have responded

I think if you adopt you shoukd probably let the child grow up knowing they're adopted. If I should adopt a baby, I would say, "You're adopted" everyday until they are old enough to understand on their own, so you wouldn't have to break it to them.

You should have told her she can always go back to the foster house

Most adoptions aren't taken out of foster care or orphanages..

coolbrony12 3

Apply cold water to burned area. Sorry OP.

A man and woman have given a child another chance in life to have (im assuming) a decent life because they wanted to give an unfortunate child a loving home and all you can do is bitch about what age they decided to tell her? Wow. If i found out i was adopted no matter what age i would be devastated!

You would not be devastated if you grew up knowing and accepted it early on. Take it from someone in that situation.

Yeah fair enough but there's this thing called individuality and it means not everyone reacts the same or copes with things the same. Can't be biased on opinion just because you've had your own personal experience. You still have to consider all sides of a debate.

She'll regret that one day, when she actually grows up and appreciates just how much you did for her.

samantha1313 1

I'm adopted. I'm 17. 16 Isnt the age to tell her this. She should have known all her life...

I'm not sure I understand why some parents wait so long to tell their kids they are adopted. For one thing, the subject must have come up in conversation several times as she was growing up, perhaps at family gatherings or when visiting a doctor if they asked about family history..

Why the hell would you not tell her until she was 16??? I would've stopped talking to my parents had they have waited to tell me. I should know, I am adopted. That's just unfair to the kid. She should've been told the truth long before then.