Supply chain issues

By Kramer - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out that driving for 2 weeks on 3/4 of a tank doesn't mean my truck magically got more efficient, it means my gas gauge is broken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 838
You deserved it 33 610

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I should mention I drive a Jeep... 14mpg average

fr33m3xican 0

isn't the proper term odometer?

Definitely not. An odometer tells you how many miles the car has.

Dumb Bastard. Can't believe your Canadian. Eh.

yourmurderscenex 13

someone lacks in the common sense department.

Kristoffer 35

In all the time I've driven my Dad's pickup, I've never put a drop of gas in it, and neither has anyone else. Good thing, too. It run on diesel.

Kristoffer 35

I used to have a Chevy Cavalier that could go fifteen days (payday to payday) on half a tank. But that was: 1) a 4-banger coupe, not a pickup truck 2) a 7-block daily commute to and from work My Dad's truck gets decent fuel mileage, around 20 or so. I can go to and from work on about 1/8 of a tank. That's 60 miles on roughly 3 gallons. With both tanks full, I could go two weeks back and forth to work and still have 1/4 of one tank left. Not that I intend to put that theory to the test. Although the numbers are based on the smaller of the two tanks, so I'd have a little more leeway (18g rear tank, 20g front tank). Also, I get better fuel mileage on the way to work than on the way home.

Kre8iveN8ive 0

I've read auto-repair manuals shorter and less informative than that. I started scanning when you broke the pre-algebra barrier...