Stressed out

By amy1023 - 26/11/2009 10:18 - United States

Today, I complained to my boyfriend that I was stressed out. He asked me, "What do you have to be stressed out about?" I work 50 hours a week and go to school full time. I ask him what was stressful about his day, he told me that his "kill/death ratio went down on Call of Duty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 764
You deserved it 8 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kylias 6

Ffft, have you ever had your kill/death ratio go down? It's very stressful.

FYL, I've been there. 2 full time jobs, an additional part time job, and a home based business. The school isn't the stressful part i've found, wait til the bills pile in. that's the WORST. Ex then said he was pissed at me for our relationship because i didn't have time for him. He doesn't even have his own bank account, and sat on World of Warcraft 70+ hours a week.


lol my friend loves COD4...but his 360 died.......

aha, sounds like something my boyfriend would say too.

you honestly dont know how stressful keeping a good k/d ratio is... mine is 1.30 (ps3). its hard to keep it up, especially when noobs noob-tube you, and sucks even more when your team is a bunch of retarts.. kudos to your bf for trying hard and fighting the good fight... haha :p.. i laughed my ass off after reading this btw.

My K/D ratio is 1.66 and steadily increasing. It's an important thing... If his complaining pisses you off so much, date a boy with a better K/D. It probably won't go down if he's really good at spamming chopper gunners.

If your from NZ or AUS then add skrotty. mines about 1.21, hate it when mates get ya KD down, really just rips ya hard. Can fully relate to your BF's issue.

Riyaa09 0

I know exactly how you feel my boyfriend is the exact same way while I'm always the one doing things and he's always worried about the damn modern warfare game! It's ****** up! I take your side! :)

t_rem3713 0

I understand the BF view of that could be annoying but not as bad as you he should take care of his girl lol

MizNadia 0

My K/D ratio is terrible, but not enough to stress about lol.

If your boyfriend works 50 hours a week and goes to school full time, you shouldn't be complaining that he wants to play video games. He's probably more stressed than you anyways. You could have worse things to complain about.

mine is 1.24 i think..i get pissed off at that game because it always seems to be picking hosts and has shitty ass connections and noob tubers piss me off too damnit