Stranger danger!

By calidreaming - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Japan - Osaka

Today, as I got off the bus, I saw a girl counting her change making sure she had enough for the ride. Since it was my last stop for the day, I offered my day pass to her. She replied, "Get away, freak." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 144
You deserved it 2 791

Top comments

there is a huge lack of manners in society /:

CrassKal 27

That's when you slap her hand and knock the change out.


cyK0tek 0

^That moment when a simple spelling/grammar correction gets more upvotes than the first post...

#23 I think that chivalry might be in need of the last rites.

Chivalry (sadly) isn't dead, though it should be. But this wasn't chivalry, this was just being nice. Just because it's a guy giving a ticket to a girl it doesn't suddenly become that stupid outdated practice.

It's crazy how downright rude someone can be to someone else

chels1994 11

Don't let some random bitch dampen your good day (: it was a nice gesture

PYLrulz 17

Some people are just plain assholes. **** her (not literally, of course), let her be a bitch while you be the gentleman.

PYLrulz 17

There's a difference. Trolls under certain circumstances, Are assholes but funny. Bitches like that... **** em, not worth anyones time

Epikouros 31

Console yourself by reading the webcomic Megatokyo, especially page 62 (where the hero meets a voice actress and offers her his rail card; she's more grateful than this bitch).

So say "ok bitch, if you don't have enough change you can WALK".