Sting operation

By tingleballs - 28/04/2016 14:57 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I put some of my wife's eucalyptus oil in my bath to make it relaxing. I soon found out the amount I used was about 100 times more than you're supposed to use. It took an hour of burning agony to find out the only way to get even a hint of relief was to cover my nuts in yoghurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 890
You deserved it 5 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you weren't koalafied to use that oil.

Step 1. Take random product Step 2. Pour randomly in bathtub without reading directions Step 3. ????? Step 4. Um... You get baby skin? I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish here.


Keep your windows closed at night ... you don't want to wake up to a pack of koalas nibbling on your balls!

I didn't know Koalas liked yogurt

There is nothing quite like the taste of sweet yoghurt drizzled over balls ... er, I mean eucalyptus leaves.

at least it wasn't some hair removal stuff

Dear everyone ever, please read everything you sign and consume. The writing is there for a reason, allergies/ingredients/side effects/legal issues/SERVING SIZE/etc. I assure you if you read every single thing you come across you'll only benefit. Let's make this planet's inhabitants more intellectual most "accidents" are amazingly easily avoidable please let's end the age of ignorance this world is constantly being destroyed by its citizens. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT. Please and thank you.

Isa_fml 20

You deserved it. Why would you not check how to use it first if it's something you've never used before? Or asked your wife? Don't mess around with essential oils, they're very strong and some of them can really irritate your skin. Or poison you.

sempisaviour 17

you should have read the directions

Well, at least you will have super clear sinuses. There is a silver lining to every FML if you just search enough.

Damn dude I'm really sorry. You're only supposed to use about a drop per bathtub, two if you really want it to mint up in there. Sorry you had to find that out the hard way! :/

Oh yeah! I guess that's partly why only kolas can eat it.