Sting operation

By tingleballs - 28/04/2016 14:57 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I put some of my wife's eucalyptus oil in my bath to make it relaxing. I soon found out the amount I used was about 100 times more than you're supposed to use. It took an hour of burning agony to find out the only way to get even a hint of relief was to cover my nuts in yoghurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 890
You deserved it 5 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you weren't koalafied to use that oil.

Step 1. Take random product Step 2. Pour randomly in bathtub without reading directions Step 3. ????? Step 4. Um... You get baby skin? I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish here.


What flavour? vanilla? passion fruit? strawberry? We need answers damn it!

YDI, guys don't do that and shouldn't.

It's for girls and not meant for guys

It's for both. Eucalyptus has a great effect on your respiratory system. It helps you breath better, especially with allergy season and asthma! My boyfriend has asthma and eucalyptus has helped him tremendously.

tarlax 11

34 clearly thinks he's some kind of really macho alpha male. God help him when the dumb **** finishes school and has to exist in the real world.

Chill dude, bathing is for girls and is marketed to them. Don't be stupid in the Internet

What I mean is he probably doesn't have anything wrong with him, and he used way too much and it's his fault

Bathing is for girls? I really do not understand how baths are either feminine or masculine.

Don't you understand, he has to label things 'manly' or 'girly' so he can feel manly himself.

Yeah others are the idiots and the ones digging a hole, yet here you are getting downvoted with many different people disagreeing with you..

Everyone learns from experience..look at it from a positive angle OP, you learned that you can't put out an oil fire with water and finally got to literally experience Jerry lee Lewis lyrics :))

That's rough OP, but it would have been reasonable to check with your wife on how to use the oil

A bath, with pretty eucalyptus in it? How sexy of you. Dont worry, your balls will be fine from the breeze you'll get with your SKIRT on NANCY. YDI.

Ow ow ow. I don't even have balls but I sympathize for you, man.

TomeDr 24

OH my! Your username made me laugh!

Moisturise lots ! That stuff sets your skin out and if it itches don't scratch !