Spray it loud!

By klutz44 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Winnetka

Today, I took my 2 year-old to a public restroom. I was just about to set her on the toilet when the automatic flush went off, scaring her and causing her to pee all over both of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 253
You deserved it 2 989

Top comments

While that might've pissed you off, it's part of being a parent. To be fair, it could've been a much shitter situation!

Looks like urine trouble! But sorry OP, those toilets can be scary. And annoying when they flush before you finish.


this happened to me when I was being potty trained ): my mom said I was scared of the toilet for almost 2 yrs because of it f ur kids life

bahamut357 16

I honestly don't blame the poor kid. Those things can be terrifying if they flush when you least expect it.

phoenix3423 14

those things are horrible. especially for a young child. can anyone say toilet monster

I used to be deathly afraid of those things.

I completely understand. Automatic toilets are freaky. In the last two days I've been terrorized by three toilets. Toilets-3 Me-0

wheelchairchick 11

Thanks for the comments everyone! What I didn't get to include was that I also had my baby in a carrier, strapped to my chest so the pee really got on all 3 of us. This happened right after her gymnastics class, at least we were headed home anyway! I now carry post its to block the sensor :) but automatic toilets don't seem to bother her any more. The hand dryer is another story...