Spray it loud!

By klutz44 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Winnetka

Today, I took my 2 year-old to a public restroom. I was just about to set her on the toilet when the automatic flush went off, scaring her and causing her to pee all over both of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 253
You deserved it 2 989

Top comments

While that might've pissed you off, it's part of being a parent. To be fair, it could've been a much shitter situation!

Looks like urine trouble! But sorry OP, those toilets can be scary. And annoying when they flush before you finish.


AviKerensky 17

At least it didn't scare the shit out of her.

You think those sensor fixtures are helpful but in actuality they're annoying to use!!

I'd rather be pissed off than pissed on. Sorry, OP!

But OP was both pissed off and pissed on

Those things are pretty alarming. It's a conundrum, either you have to touch something other people's poopy hands have touched, or you have to deal with a toilet that viciously spews water forth at the most inconvenient moments!

I'd rather take chances with someone else's germs. I can't bring myself to use those automatic ones, even in an emergency. They're that irritating.

yeah, but I usually use my foot or a piece of tp to flush if it isn't automatic. You can block the sensor by putting a piece of tp over it.

And this is why I'm afraid of auto-flush toilets...

Try placing toilet paper over the sensor if you can. (If it isn't on the wall) It won't flush unless you take it off.

Automatic toilets shouldn't be used they are more expensive and less convenient

The world has gotten that lazy and disgusting that they had to put automatic flushers in.. That sucks though OP.

They didn't do automatic flushing because of laziness. They're trying to stop the spread of germs. The toilets with the long metal knob to flush are so gross I always use my foot to flush them. Yes, the automatic toilets are annoying, but at least you're touching as little things as possible that other people have touched; same reason why they have automatic taps.