Speeding bullet

By uncoretard - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I was trying out for my school's athletics team. As I reached the finish line for the 100m sprint, there was so much momentum I couldn't stop. I ended up running into a wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 549
You deserved it 8 088

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Think of it this way, if you were going so fast that you literally could not stop then you most likely made the team lols!

ulicksam 0

"so much momentum" - like you're so much faster than everyone else who could stop. Right.

or the could be a large (not fat) person. when I did athletics i tried out for the 100m and it took me a lot longer to stop because i was 50%-80% heavier then the people that ran the same speed.

80% heavier? So, if you weighed 180 lbs, you were racing against people that weighed 100 lbs?

How the hell is there a wall at the end of your track.

sounds pretty typical only we would run into the chain link fence, walls aren't as forgiving ;)

Just stop moving your legs. It's not hard.

It's not that easy when you go as fast as you can plus if he did instead of the wall he would crash against the floor

It's not that easy when you go as fast as you can plus if he did instead of the wall he would crash against the floo

tk1235 0

I'm guessing you've never been on a sports team

lol, is that you do not know how to control your body. thats why... i am a sprinter since young. nvr ran into a wall before.

LonelyLoser07 2

at least you didn't break your nose then it would have been a epic fail.


You need a parachute, turbo!