Speeding bullet

By uncoretard - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I was trying out for my school's athletics team. As I reached the finish line for the 100m sprint, there was so much momentum I couldn't stop. I ended up running into a wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 549
You deserved it 8 088

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Happened to me except I was in elementary school and was having fun racing with friends during lunch break. Ended up hurting my wrists. Yep, I was that dumb

this totally reminds me of the cyanide and happyness short..."waiting for the bus". RIP 50 mph man!

thechodog 0

Hey, on the bright side, you finished through :D

perdix 29

People in shape hit "the wall" at about the 20-mile mark. You must be one out-of-shape slug to hit it in 120-130 meters!

jamsmem 0

Lol that sucks I have done that before on my stairway going down them but that's onky cuz their a stairway of hell a sharp spiral at that bottom if u dont watch ur footing SPLAT

you weren't trying out on a track? you couldn't stop? decelerating doesn't take that long. so much momentum? so much uncoordination.

mandy248 0