Sounds perfect

By kryan012 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Savannah

Today, I heard a commercial for a great apartment complex. It includes food, snacks, entertainment, activities, cleaning service, and transportation services if you cannot drive yourself. I was really excited until the end when they repeated the name; too bad my perfect place is a senior center. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 409
You deserved it 8 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I thought it sounded strange that they were offering all that in an apartment...

You will be eligible for that place sometime later in your life


kenna_babe 4

Haha that would be a dream though :) at least there are perks to getting old

perdix 29

Lots of old people prefer to die at home. I'm going into assisted living the first day I'm eligible. Even if I'm perfectly healthy, why wouldn't I want some assistance with boring chores?

perdix 29

#27, I think I've seen some that will let you in at 55. That's a whole extra decade of a life worth living! **** grocery shopping, **** laundry!!!

Get to piss in your bed and not have to clean it up! Ahhh what a life!

perdix 29

#31, hell, yeah! Now, when that happens, I have to go buy a new bed and it's getting expensive!

Start saving up. Those type of places-- with all those amenities are far from cheap!

That, and buying long-term care insurance to help cover the hefty costs.

You could live in a hotel if you don't want to take care of your home.

Maybe you should quit being a lazy turd and put your big boy/girl pants on and do all that stuff for yourself.

BellaBelle_fml 23

Maybe the OP already does 'Do all that stuff' for themselves. Maybe they are feeling a little burnt out from working or going to school all the time? Who knows, but I can see why all of those perks would be enticing for anybody at any age wether they work or not.

Hey! Us old folks deserve the best. We've done our time taking care of others!

I always thought senior communities wounded fantastic because children are verboten. No one can move fast enough to go clunking across your ceiling at all hours.

... YDI for being simply lazy. If you'd be disabled I could understand that. Being a senior, often people can't take care of them. But I assume you're young or middle age at best... so YDI, lazy...