So, here's the thing…

By HairyBoobs - 05/11/2009 14:22 - United States

Today, I nearly sliced my nipple off while shaving my chest and had to go to the ER. Turns out it was a teaching hospital so I got to explain in front of two doctors and eight med students how, even though I'm a woman, my nipples are so hairy I have to shave them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 406
You deserved it 6 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, that sucks there were all those med students there. Then again, watching doctors in the field is the breast way to learn.


ericasthename 0

:( I don't know how I feel about this but that would still be embarassing anyways. fyl

failsatlife23 0

hair on your NIPPS? ttly weird

Nipple-free is the way to be, kids.

cheetahboo2010 5

Wax 'em, that should be fuuuun ;) FYL

Honestly, I have hairy nipples myself. When I had my first boyfriend a few years ago I made the mistake of shaving them because my d-bag boytoy didn't like them and ripped one out with his teeth. Then they grew back a lot thicker. My boyfriend now is totally smitten with everything about me, so they don't bother him. I'm still embarassed by them so I just trim them with some scissors. (And since my nipples are inverted there isn't really any chance of them getting cut off)

cowgod 0

would waxing completely rip off the nipple?

No, but it would ******* HURT. If anything, depilatory cream (Nair/Neet) would be best.

Yeah, yeah people. Were mammals, thus were hairy etc. etc... But what about excessive hair? I feel sorry for people who have that.

legally, you arn't required to allow them to be there. they will use you as an example to a few med students, but you don't have to talk to any of them if you don't want to, and you don't have to let them into your room

Kayleecstasy 0

This makes me cringe...I couldn't even imagine how painful that would be.