
By great - 10/02/2012 21:33 - United States

Today, I sat in my boss's office as he bitched me out for being "too sarcastic" to our customers. After nearly half an hour of him criticizing my "piss-poor attitude," he asked me what I was going to do to fix it. Without thinking, I said, "Your mom." Now I'm jobless again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 567
You deserved it 75 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a very smart thing to say to your boss...

You forgot to say "is a wonderful woman" afterwards


Your boss had a point then. Besides, think of something wittier to say, at least.

HunterAlpha1 8

umm... yeah, not the best time for a mom joke.

Smooth move, Einstein. Good luck getting another job.

That's great woulda done the same shit LMFAO

You would have acted like an immature idiot and then gotten fired from your job? Brilliant.

lifeisabitchthen 4
Cupid522 0

I often say that when my sister asks me questions. Its only all good and fun when you're saying it to the right person. Aka NOT you boss. Haha

Doesn't the insult lose whatever sting it might have had when the mother in question is also your mom?

If only there were more people like you, the world would be a better place.

If there were more people like him, the unemployment rate would be even higher than it already is.