Slutshaming is not OK

By musik_ist_liebe - 21/03/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, my 13 year-old sister had to explain the bases to me. Turns out, I have skipped first and second base and gone straight to third, without even realizing it. What makes it worse is that she told my mother, and now my whole family thinks I'm a slut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 226
You deserved it 64 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you've been fingered but are still waiting for your first kiss? Don't fall asleep on the city bus again.

Eresbel 0

How could you skip first (which is generally making out, I believe) and second (feeling up, maybe a little below the waist action, but not oral) and go straight to third base (below the waist/oral)? I honestly don't understand.


123sploosh 0

#26, you're a *****. not you, the person who wrote 26. ABSOLUTELY NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. i bet you're fat and middle aged. teenagers can do whatever the **** they want, its the only time you are young and you should enjoy it, and experiment with things while you can. what you did wasnt bad at all, people are just being douches on this thing cause they cant get any.

Gaiwa 0

lol... "bases" what a bullshit. theres nothing to explain: do what you like, i cant see a problem.

If she is ur younger sis: wow ur a loser. Ur thirteen year old baby sister had 2 explain the bases 2 u!! But atleast u get some action If she is ur older sis: wow ur a child *****!!!

lolololcheese 0

did anyone ever think that maybe the sister had the bases all wrong and the OP's situation was completely normal? fucktards on the internetz these days.

ohhhhshizzz 0

If your sister told you THESE 'bases';; Kissing on the lips Frenching Touching ******** -she's wrong. It's Making out Feeling up Oral sexxx :] Homee;sex.

love_to_laugh44 0

so you never even had your first kiss, just started blowing guys??

3rd base without 2nd? Can't imagine that. Never been kissed but not a virgin...whoa.

mrda 0

Are u a **** if u cross all three bases your first time? LOL

so... where is it you live at?? just ya know, wondering lol