Slipping up

By Anonymous - 18/10/2010 23:28 - United States

Today, I slipped and sprained my ankle while shopping for a present for my husband, who later came home and tripped over my elevated leg, hurting my ankle again. Now I have an excruciating sprain, and a spouse who's furious at me because, I "shouldn't have tried to surprise him." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 364
You deserved it 2 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He has a point. You had no right to try be nice to him.


MyyLifeeIssFcked 0

That's a mean husband u got there. Very unappreciative too

So quit leaving your feet laying around in the way.

ghm1234 0

what a dick. he deserved to get tripped sorry for your leg

Monkeybutt1 0
ScreamingFits 0

My comment is one of the worst comments EVER. I've totally missed the point of the website, and I'm even arrogant enough not to give a shit about respecting the hospitality extended to me on it. LOLZ.

dontevenask0416 3

That kinda sweet because he probably didnt want you to get hurt!