Slipping up

By Anonymous - 18/10/2010 23:28 - United States

Today, I slipped and sprained my ankle while shopping for a present for my husband, who later came home and tripped over my elevated leg, hurting my ankle again. Now I have an excruciating sprain, and a spouse who's furious at me because, I "shouldn't have tried to surprise him." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 364
You deserved it 2 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He has a point. You had no right to try be nice to him.


sounds like a control freak jerk. he's "furious"? give me a break. dump this guy!

You are married to the guy and you don't know he hates surprises? Well that sprained ankle will at least mean you can't escape from the kitchen for a while... now get back in there!

StudMuffinette 17
SeedlessMe 13

If he's really 'furious' about this as you said, I'm gonna go with the idea that he's a total control freak. And not in a good way. Be weary of this man OP, I only see that getting worse..

TheySeeMeTrollin_fml 0
wintermistress7 1

Sounds like SOMEONE didn't appreciate the extra effort that you were trying to do. Men. -_-

What an asshole. I'd do anything to make my wife feel better if I could. Jeeesh.