Sexy time

By Msmerfner - 03/08/2013 08:40 - United States - Hemet

Today, I was trying to be sexy in the bathtub for my boyfriend. I leaned back and caught my hair on fire with the candle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 477
You deserved it 16 099

Same thing different taste


olpally 32

Reminds me of taj from van wilder, too much oil and candles, sets the place on fire. Lol. Hopefully you're okay!

SirTalkaton 22
Soniye 14

Next time you should consider fake candles…

Soniye 14

*facepalm* the ones the light up with the switch of a button. They look and feel like real candles but they're not ... No fire included lol

If those require to be plugged to an outlet and considering how skilled is the OP with candles, I don't think is a good idea. If they work with batteries, as I think, it may work.

Soniye 14

Yeah well don't worry, because they require batteries no plug ins involved :)

Is there a possibility that all this was caught on tape?

Dawnstempest 17

Takes being a hot head to a whole new level. Well, at least there was water around so you could cool down quickly.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Wow I didn't have to do that,, things have changed

cottoncandymango 17

It's the thought that counts. :)

BrianaKoala 7

Did it do a lot of damage? Like, did you have to cut off A LOT.

If there is anything that I learned from fml is to never try to show off in anyway, at all, ever, or you will **** it up and embarrass yourself.

Vamking 5

I also learn that fire and bathtubs don't mix