
By Anonymous - 15/11/2016 09:20

Today, I was hanging out with a guy friend I hadn't seen for ages. The sexual tension was off the charts. We were making out and think were progressing, hands were roaming to both nether regions when I freaked out and blurted out, "But aren't we just friends?" We then sat and watched TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 866
You deserved it 12 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's crazy what can happen in the heat of the moment, especially when you're nervous. I can tell you that from my own experience. Hopefully you guys work things out!


I would be the guy to do this to a girl, can't even call this an FML because it hasn't happened yet

Was your friend name is jorah mormont by any chance?

hmm sounds like he wanted a hook up but noticed that's not what she wanted and stopped

Who said that she didn't want it anymore? Maybe he got a clear head after she pointed it out and didn't want to continue himself. Or they just both decided to stop because it became awkward.

At least OP has a clue what went on in her head. Imagine the poor guy she was with. He's got no clue what he did wrong.

You punished yourself, and you most likely made him feel awkward in the process. Nice job!

Tabh, ydi but at the same time fyl. If I were in that situation, I would've said some like, "Yea just friends who do things like this" etc. but but I guess people handle things differently

Sorry, but it is kinda hard to pin this one on your life, when it was clearly all on you.

It's not too late if you changed your mind