
By oops123 - 15/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I finally hooked up with a guy I've been hanging out with for 2 months. Afterwards, while we're getting dressed he says "You better be clean. If you're not tell me now so I don't pass it on to my girlfriend." Stunned, all I could say was, "Girlfriend?!" His reply, "Well, technically, my fiancée." FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 318
You deserved it 14 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him there is a rash that has been bothering you, but you need some cash to go get it checked out.

Well now it's time to get her number or Fackbook page :-)


#4. why should she get revenge on the real gf? it wasnt her fault! you should tell her the truth instead

tiltwrestler 0

On the bright side, at least he wasn't cruel enough to give her an STD...?? But still, he was horribly selfish for cheating in the first place. And you were dumb for not ASKING HIM if he had a girlfriend! Admit it- you didn't WANT to know, because you WANTED to be able to claim ignorance, if you found out differently!

I slept with a guy with a pregnant girlfriend I didn't know about. I immediately told her about it when I found out and she stuck with him. However, I feel worlds better knowing I had the integrity to tell the truth and make him see what a scumbag he is. So, even if his fiance his dumb enough to stay with a cheating asshole like that, at least you'll feel better knowing you did the right thing. I know how much it sucks to be in your shoes though, so I hope everything works out. also if you get the chance, kick him where it hurts (and hard).

snowhawk22 0

Stephanie? Is that you? Sorry about that...thought you knew about her already.

and at number 12. you shouldn't have to ASK someone if they're single or not. If he was a decent person he would have made it known before letting things go that far.

iggypop_fml 0

how nice of him to think of his fiance... yes, I'm being sarcastic... what a tool lol

lmao #14 kick him so hard he cant have kids :P